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Please Consider Making a Donation

ScienceMan is a Non-Profit Initiative

Although ScienceMan does get a little bit of help, the site is mostly maintained by a regular old classroom teacher in his spare time. I have been doing this since 1997, trying to help teachers and students survive technology integration in science classrooms. This has always been done on a NON-PROFIT basis.

ScienceMan doesn't sell anything, and all the resources on this site are absolutely free to use.

I'm not complaining about the cost of operating ScienceMan, I'm happy to be of service. But it is a fact that hardware, software, domain and hosting costs are significant out-of-pocket expenses for me.

By clicking on the Paypal "please donate" image, you can make a safe secure donation to the ScienceMan cause and help cover operating costs and the tremendous amount of time it take keep the site operating and up-to-date.

Recommended Donations

(Please note the PayPal page defaults to US currency, please feel free to change it to Canadian if you wish)

Individual Users - $5/yr

Vendors Making Review Requests - $25

Schools - $50/yr

Bill Gates - $45,000/yr

One more thing...

Let's Make Cancer History

ScienceMan supports the Canadian Cancer Society

You should too!

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