My new bike ramps
A long time ago I loaned out my good (ok, they were a pile of broken boards) motorbike loading ramps. I can't remember when or to who I loaned them to. Nevertheless I will need to load my bike this summer. So to whom ever has my ramps (broken boards) its OK you can keep them.
In my scrap pile I found a track from an over head trolley.
 Whoever gave me that you can't have it back.
 Then I bolted a slab of plywood that mysteriously came into my possession.
 If I could find the original owner I would have gladly returned it!

Originally the unit was 10 feet long and was very nice to load the bike.
 This was perfect until I put the ramp in the truck and tried desperately to hook up the holiday trailer.
 I had to cut 2 feet off with the torch but at least the trailer again has the radius to turn
 --funny how that's important to family members of my household.
  Its a bonus the ramps fit neatly in the box of the truck now.
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