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Updated February 20, 2006

ScienceMan Neat Idea - Crayfish Adaptations

More low tech fun today - as I read the small section on adaptations in the our grade 7 textbook, I thought it would be a good idea for students to look at an organism they may not be familiar with to assess its adaptations.

You can get $12 large crayfish for about $50 CAN from biology suppliers - that's pretty cheap. So what do you do with them? I placed them into beakers and had students form groups to discuss what the crayfish body parts might be used for in the environment. To help with the task, I distributed this handout so that students knew how to refer to the parts.

If students wish to handle the crayfish, they must be picked up from the back at the carapace!

It's a simple activity, but lots of fun! If you want to take it further and do a dissection, I highly recommend the Crayfish Review as a support site, it's amazing.

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